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Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. From the TFS release notes :. Just as Daniel said, they are two entirely different things.

In your case, you are trying to use the unshelve command to unshelve a shelveset to another branch in TFS. As a workaround you could use tf Unshelve and Rename command to achieve this in two steps. You can use git-tfs to accomplish this.

The steps you should perform are after git and git-tfs have been installed :. Stack Overflow for Teams — Start collaborating and sharing organizational knowledge. Create a free Team Why Teams?

Learn more. Asked 5 years, 1 month ago. Modified 2 years, 8 months ago. Viewed 35k times. Improve this question. Igor Kondrasovas Igor Kondrasovas 1, 3 3 gold badges 16 16 silver badges 32 32 bronze badges. Add a comment. Sorted by: Reset to default. Highest score default Date modified newest first Date created oldest first. Improve this answer. Daniel Mann Daniel Mann So, where are the tf and tfpt commands they are unrelated to the template editor, and installed by the Team Foundation Power Tools.

So it's been 1. Anyone find it? I found this, but have not figured out how to run the command in question: marketplace. From the Rename documentation link: "You cannot rename an item if The new name already exists" which makes sense for a move, but not a migrate, where the developer is very likely to be updating an existing item. I'm not seeing a way to get this behavior in , which is unfortunate, because that was a very useful edge case that came up a couple times a year for me.

This is another clear indication that Microsoft wants us to move to git. Even Microsoft is preferring git over tfs vc for its own developemt. As already pointed out, Rename is no substitute for tfpt migrate. I added the unshelve-to-branch functionality to my Visual Studio extension called MultiMerge. Show 8 more comments. Possible workaround, which helped me! Create a new workspace and do not download all the files.

Unshelve your changes to this new workspace, which would result in having only the modified files from your current branch. Compare and manually merge your changes into the other branch. Sabi Sabi 31 3 3 bronze badges. This is not a "possible workaround". This is the way to do it. All developers should have at least 2 namespaces. Most of the time you work on a project, then a bug comes in. I work in multiple workspaces all the time. The OP is using tfs vc, not Git.

Not to mention that the difference in branching methodology between Git and tfs vc would to require 2 separate Git repos to get the files into the new path that represents a tfs vc branch. To JoshGust and other downvoters: It seems you are confused about what git-tfs is. It is an independent project that predates git support in TFS by years and has no relation to it. Instead it creates and maintains a local git repo for a project otherwise tracked with TFS VC which allows for much bigger feats than merely moving shelvesets around.

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  There is no separate power tools for TFS/VS So there is no Shell extension for TFS now. According to the comment of MSFT in the. › vs › older-downloads.    


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    There is no separate power tools for TFS/VS So there is no Shell extension for TFS now. According to the comment of MSFT in the. › vs › older-downloads.


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